WeatherSaver is a screensaver that shows your local NEXRAD animated radar map, air temperature, weather conditions, wind speed, time and date. These are downloaded from the internet every 6 minutes. Radar maps are available for any location in the USA including Alaska and Hawaii. The temperature and weather conditions text are available for any location in the world.
The radar can be shown animated or static. You can select one of the following 7 radar types, named Reflectivity Long Range, Reflectivity Short Range, Composite Short Range, 1 Hour Rainfall, Storm Total Rainfall, Storm Relative Motion, and Base Velocity. The radar, time, temperature, and weather conditions can be turned on or off. If you turn off the time and temperature then just the radar screen will be shown. The time can be customized to show the seconds, time only, AM/PM, or 24 hour time. The text colors can also be customized.